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New England’s Premier Immigration Law Firm

Maged & Rost is now MH Immigration!

Founded in 2000, we are a law firm that understands each immigration case carries significant emotional and personal weight. Our approach is rooted in compassion, as we strive to make the complex immigration process as smooth and comprehensible as possible.

Family Immigration
Business Immigration
Non-Immigrant Visa Classifications

About MH Immigration

Originally founded in 2000, MH Immigration is a boutique law firm specializing in U.S. Immigration Law. We have extensive experience representing foreign nationals, corporations, and non-profit organizations in the Greater Boston area and from around the world. At MH Immigration, we understand that navigating the complexities of immigration law can be challenging. That’s why we pride ourselves on offering personalized and compassionate legal services. Our team is committed to treating each client with the utmost respect and care, as if they were part of our own family.

Whether you’re pursuing family reunification or navigating complex business immigration challenges, trust MH Immigration to guide you with precision and care. Our unwavering commitment to excellence and our client-centric approach make us the ideal partner in your immigration journey.

woman in meeting

United States Immigration Laws Are Complex and Ever-Changing

At MH Immigration, we are committed to staying at the forefront of the ever-evolving landscape of U.S. immigration laws and regulations. We receive immediate updates on changes to U.S. immigration laws and regulations, and we regularly review USCIS Policy Memoranda regarding policy changes to ensure we are aligned with the latest policy shifts and interpretations. Because of our expertise and deep understanding of both family-based and business U.S. immigration laws, MH Immigration has a consistent track-record of success. Our primary mission is to understand your unique immigration goals and help you find the best way to achieve them.



Kristina K. Rost

Rated by Super Lawyers

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